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Tvasta constructs a 3D Printed Office in Kolkata at Garden Reach Shipbuilders

Jan 4, 2023

Tvasta Manufacturing Solutions, a 3D printing Startup that specialises in construction 3D printing in India, has built the first 3D printed office in Kolkata at Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) Limited, a nationalised shipyard. This is the first in a series of potential large-scale construction projects for GRSE using 3D printing.

The Structure was inaugurated on December 31, 2022, by Giridhar Aramane, IAS, Defence Secretary, Government of India. GRSE would use the 3D printed modular site office Project, which was built as a technology demonstrator, to monitor Anti-submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts (ASWSWCs).

3D Printed Office in Kolkata

In 10 days, the 3D printed modular site office was designed and built. It is 180 square feet in size and has a customised design that provides a comfortable working space for 6 to 8 people. For this project, an Offsite Construction Methodology was used.

Construction 3D Printing in India

Construction 3D printing is a type of additive manufacturing in which material is added layer by layer to create a structure. This is a purely Industry 4.0 era technology that is operated through an automated system and can be referred to as ‘digitised construction.’ 3D printing is a modern technology that has been designed to significantly automate the construction process.

Tvasta, founded in 2016 by IIT Madras alumni, developed a ‘Made in India’ technology focusing on leveraging Automation and Robotics in 3D Printing Platforms for faster, cheaper, and more sustainable construction methods than conventional technologies. The company is currently based in Chennai and Bengaluru.

Tvasta has also constructed India’s first 3D printed house on the IIT Madras campus, demonstrating its capabilities and feasibility in the physical realisation of a structure. This pilot structure, together with the indigenously developed technology, represents the start-efforts up’s to highlight a potential alternative solution to India’s housing and infrastructure challenges.

Tvasta also successfully built India’s first 3D printed monument, “Ananta Siras,” for The India Cements Ltd.’s 75th anniversary in Chennai last year.


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